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23rd April 2021

EN PRIMEUR 2020 - Diary Day 3

A drive to the Médoc to begin to understand the secret of this vintage’s success. Cool nights during the heat according to the ever-genial Philippe Castéja at perennial favourite Batailley.

Then to the exquisitely restored Calon Ségur, where Vincent Millet showed me his equally exquisite 2020 wine a masterpiece of poise and power, a legacy of the evenness of the growing season, and picked before the late September rain.

Eric Kohler at Lafite echoed this, and suggested that 2020 was the greatest early harvest he had ever seen at Lafite, as a result of the early floraison, the growing season was already protracted. With a very respectful 12.8% alcohol, this wine’s power is inextricably linked to its freshness..

Enfin, a sneak preview of the spectacular new chai at Haut-Bailly in Pessac with Daina Paulin. Already blending into its landscape the fully planted roof conceals a spectacular sepulchre to the vineyards around it. The wine is a dense powerhouse too.

#primeurs2020 #bdx2020 #bordeaux #UGC #wine #bordeauxwine #dbatailley #calonsegur #lafite #hautbailly



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