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19th March 2020

Time to drink the good stuff like there’s no tomorrow* #4

Yesterday’s Sherry is a glass and a half down, no hurry, so now this.

Rockford Basket Press Shiraz 1990
Barossa, Australia. 14.5%

Cork came out cleanly. This does not look like a thirty year old wine. Still ruby-garnet colour. But it does have aromas of its age: rosehip, beeswax, earth, dried flowers, peppercorn and toasted coffee. But also fruit. Prune, plum and pastry. Baked and earthy spicy. Very inviting. Sumptuous texture with earthy dried spices and mocha, plenty of warm plum duff fruit and hints of cola and cinnamon. Complex and deep, but with a freshness to counteract the depth. Long velvet smooth palate flooding finish.
I can’t remember what I was saving this for. Tonight I guess.


*There might be no tomorrow.


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